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November, 2004 issue in brief

Editorial, �Quo vadis, Armenia?�
The authorities of the Republic of Armenia have no right to falsify the present and the future of our nation by
means of pursuing short-sighted policy.

The Annual General Meeting of the Armenian Assembly of Europe
According to the press release the meeting was held on September 25-26, in Brussels, in the building of the
European Parliament. On September 27, the exhibition: �Armenian Architectural Monuments in Southern
Caucasus and Middle East�, was opened in the building of the European Parliament.

�Complaint and Condemnation�
Under this title the announcement of Iraqi Armenian Cultural Benevolent Union and the message of the 8th
gathering of the Forum of Intellectuals of the Republic of Armenia addressed to the Arabic nations and states are published. Both the announcement and the message are against the intention of the Republic of Armenia to send a regiment of the Armenian Army to Iraq.

Emma Begijanian, �Contacts between Teheran and Yerevan are Strengthened�
This publication refers the official visit of Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to the Republic of Armenia. The perspectives of cooperation and economic ties and contacts between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Armenia are analyzed.

�We in the Foreign Press�
Under this permanent title of the journal regular bibliographical information concerning Armenia and the
Armenian nation in the materials and articles published in the Armenian and foreign press are presented.

Amalia Yedigarian, �The Body was wounded but the Heart Remained Impregnable�
In this publication issues related the restoration of Martakert region of Nagorno-Karabagh Republic and the
region�s priorities of the post-war period are presented.

Emma Begijanian, �Coalition Forces don�t Control the Situation�
The measures taken by the USA with the goal of stabilization and normalization of the situation of Iraq haven�t practically recorded any tangible results. According to the author, the policy of the USA directed to the spreading of American values and especially �democracy� in the East is condemned to failure.

Rafayel Ghazarian, �Twice Beheaded Science�
The author, Academician R. Ghazarian, with sarcasm speaks about the tragic state in which the Armenian science is at present.

Hasmik Goulakian, �Few were Those, Who were the Captives of Idea�
Gagik Ginossian, founder and artistic director of ethnographic group �Karin� and juvenile group �Tsovak�,
also member of the destructive platoon �X� of the battalion �People condemned to death� (�Mahapartner�), tells about his participation in the war and his activity directed the spreading of the ethnographic dance.

Vahagn Israyelian, �Armenia: the Most Ancient Birthplace of Civilization�
The author, who is Doctor of Technical Sciences, brings factual examples to show to what degree of development reached the art of construction (and not only it) in the ancient Armenia.

Samuel Iskandarian, �Electronic Teach-Yourself Manual of the Armenian Language�
Coauthors Samuel Iskandarian and Grigor Vahanian have prepared an electronic three-lingual self-teach manual in Armenian, English and Russian, the Armenian texts of which also sound. According to the authors anyone, both Armenian and foreigner, who doesn�t know Armenian, can learn almost 2000 words in a short period and communicate in an Armenian environment.

�Karabaghization or Turkization of the National History?�
The publication presented under this title is a reference to the article of Babken Haroutyounian, entitled: �Karabaghization of the National History�, published in the collection book �Histories of the Soviet States and the States Formed in the Post-Soviet Period� by the printing house �AURO-2000�, in 1999. This time we have published the open letter of Alexander Grigorian, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, addressed to Prof. Babken Haroutyounian.

�New publications�
Under this title the journal has presented the bibliographical data of the new books published in the Republic of Armenia and in abroad during the recent several months.

Souren Manoukian: �Armenian Chronology�
The author, who is Candidate of Historical Sciences, presents the most important events occurred in August- September, 2004.


November 2004


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