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June, 2004 issue in brief

Editorial: The Law of Irreplaceability of the National Values' System
In the editorial article the main reasons of the ideological crisis are discussed, and it is proved that the investment of foreign values' system in the Armenian reality is fraught with destructive consequences. The only way out is relying on sound nationalism, that is - the system of national values, taking into consideration the ongoing changes in the world.

Hasmik Goulakian, From "Reconciliation" to"Rapprochement"
The author of the article analyses the ignominious history of the so-called "Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission" expressing conviction that there can be no reconciliation between the butcher and the victim without sincere repentance and complete compensation and indemnity.

Hasmik Goulakian, The Armenian Genocide - a"Factor"
Interview with Ashot Melkonian, Director of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the
Republic of Armenia, on Armenian-Turkish relations and Turkish consistent efforts of turning the issue of the
Armenian Genocide into an issue to be discussed by historians. Ashot Melkonian stresses that without recognition of the Armenian Genocide's fact by Turkish historians dialogue with them is senseless.

To Think about the Year of 1915 from a Different Viewpoint
The interview of the Turkish historian Halil Berktay with the "Radikal" daily, reprinted in "Marmara" daily, issued in Constantinople, is represented. In the interview the historian unwillingly recognizes the Armenian Genocide, declaring it an "ethnic cleansing", but tries to replace that fact in the field of discussion between Armenian and Turkish historians.

Artem Ohanjanian, Interpretation
The author of many books about the Armenian Genocide interprets some of the important propositions of the interview of the Turkish historian Halil Berktay, demanding the historian to be more courageous and to call things by their proper names or to call a spade a spade.

Hakob Chakrian, Turkey's Denial of the Armenian Genocide Remains Unaltered
Turkologist author proves that Turkey's official viewpoint on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide remains unaltered, simply the forms of forgery and falsification are changed, which pursue the long-range goal of Turkey's overcoming the Armenian hardship in order to become a member of the European Union.

From the Turkish Press
Two translations from the Turkish press concerning Azerbaijan's evasive policy in relation to the issue of Cyprus and the projects of energetic cooperation between Turkey, Russia and Israel.

Sarkiss Mouradian, Meeting
By means of a fiction work - a novel, the author develops the idea of eternity of Armenians' revenge upon the Turkish barbarians.

Armenian Conference in Washington
On April 18-20, 2004, the group of students from the Republic of Armenia studying in the USA have had meetings with the American Congressmen in order to discuss some issues exciting the Armenian nation.

Hakob Adamian, Again About H1
The famous Syrian Armenian writer complains of the inappropriate, baseless and most offensive expressions often sounding in the information programs transmitted by the Public Television of the Republic of Armenia.

We in the Foreign Press
Bibliographical data of the analytical publications appeared in the foreign press, related to the Armenian nation , are represented.

Armine Melik-Israelian, Tigran Levonian's Drama Continues...
During the interview with the incompatible sound producer of the Armenian National Opera Theater the real reasons of some official figures' intentions during the recent years to liquidate the Armenian opera school are analyzed.

Arshakouny, "The "Highlight" of the Month: "Not a Single Inch..."
The analyst discusses the new manifestations of the political crisis in the Republic of Armenia, expressing the opinion that uncompromising approaches of both the authorities and the opposition can only contribute to the prolongation and not the end of the crisis.

Hakob Chakrian, "New Manifestations of Middle Eastern Policy of the USA and the Project of the "Great Middle East"
The author of the article expresses his viewpoints on the role ascribed to Turkey in the USA's new strategic project and discusses the attitude of the Turkish authorities towards that project.

New Publications
Bibliographical data on the new publications issued in the Republic of Armenia and abroad during the last months relating to the Armenian nation's values' system.

Hasmik Goulakian, St. Mesrop's "Carrier"
Interview with Toros Toranian, Aleppo Armenian writer, publisher and public figure, about Syrian Armenian community, as well as about various problems and aspects of the Diaspora and Motherland-Diaspora relations, in general.

Nizar Khalily, Correlations between the Works "Prayerbook of Lamentations" and "al-Fusul wal- Ghayat"
The author, Syrian Arab philologist and translator of "Prayerbook of Lamentations" into Arabian, by means of
citations and references to the above-mentioned work shows that while creating his masterpiece medieval Arab great philosopher Abu-l-Alaa al-Maari has been familiar with the work St. Gregory of Narek and has been influenced by the book.

Emma Begijanian, Crisis of Self-consciousness in Turkey
The author of the article, analyzing the recent developments of Turkey's relations with the USA and the European Union, comes to the conclusion that the conscience of Islamic belonging gradually increases among Turks, and that constant delays of Turkey's becoming a member of the European Union and indistinct American policy towards Turkey contribute to that phenomenon.

Gevorg Yazedjian, Karabaghization or Turkization of the National History?
The author represents Moscow Armenian philosopher and lecturer Alexander Grigorian's theory of the critical review on the article written in tandem with Babken Haroutunian - Alexander Iskandarian, entitled: "Armenia:
"Karabaghization" of the national history?" The author reveals the numerous dangerous principal ropositions of the above-mentioned couple.

Souren Manoukian, Armenian Chronology
The most important events in the life of the Armenian nation which have taken place in March-April, 2004. Текущая позиция


June 2004


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