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April, 2004 issue in brief

Editorial � The Time of Rebirth
The different aspects of the all-Armenian, systematic and systemized crisis are analyzed. It is stated that the solution of this crisis is to resist and win the battle, based on Trinity: Nation, Homeland and Culture.

Simon Maghakyan: Who is Silent?
The author, a student in the USA, accuses the Armenians, who, by their silence, encourage the enemies to perpetrate crimes like the Armenian Genocide and the killing of the Lieutenant Gourguen Margaryan in Budapest.

Melkonyantsi: �Ataturk Will Laugh at Us�.
The Central Board of AGBU has decided to close the Melkonyan Educational Institute of Cyprus. It is said that the leadership of AGBU has far-going plans to close down all AGBU schools in the Middle East thus serving the American interests.

Assembly of the Armenians of Europe: Petition.
A petition addressed to the leadership of RA about the declarations of the UK ambassador to RA about the
Armenian Genocide, proposing to take the necessary steps towards the British ambassador.

Nikol Aghababyan: Armenia is in Danger Once More.
The famous painter calls for awakening and national unity, before it is too late.

�You, Who Are Alive!�.
Hovsep Artinyan, the editor of the �Spurk� magazine, published in Beirut, speaks about the Armenian national liberation movement and the menaces that Armenian people are faced with.

Emma Begijanyan: Unveiling the Secrecy of the Turkish-Iranian Agreement of 1932 is Against the Interests of IRI.
The author, a specialist in Iranian Studies, writes about a very difficult problem of Oriental Studies, showing that this agreement was and still is against the strategic interests of Iran in the region.

Karen Zadoyan: The International Law and the Armenian Spiritual Heritage.
The author, a lawyer, shows that the neighbours of RA are obliged by international agreements to preserve the Armenian monuments that now are in their countries.

English Speech in Turkish-Jewish Words.
The author represents the unacceptable and abusive expressions of the UK ambassador to RA about the Armenian Genocide. The Editorial Board asks the ambassador to apologize officially, or be expelled by the Government of RA or by the Armenian people.

The Armenians in Iran.
The Armenian Community news.

Hasmik Goulakyan: The Youngst Owners of the Ancient Land.
The children and youngst photo exhibition of the Kashatagh Region of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic which is held in Yerevan in March.

Khachik Khacher: Open Letter
The Iranian-Armenian writer and social activist severely condemns on the transmission of immoral films by the Armenian State TV, and puts forward to end such a things immediately.

Conceptual Problems of Armenian Studies.
The letter-declaration of the Association of Armenian Studies (USA) against the decision of the Armenian
History Chair of Yerevan State University of Dec. 19, 2001, which had condemned the anti-Armenian concepts of the American Armenian Studies.

The Armenians in the Foreign Press.
The bibliographical data of the analytical articles, related to the Armenians, published in the foreign press.

Hasmik Goulakyan (interviewer): The Natural Right of the Armenians to Return to Their Homeland.
An interview with the historian Hakob Hakobyan, in which he declares, that the recognition the fact of the
Armenian Genocide is meaningless unless it is accompanied with the recognition the right of the Armenians to return to their Historical Homeland.

Euroasianism and Karabakh
An interview with the famous Russian ideologist and strategist Alexander Dugin, in which he expresses his
views towards the resolution of the Artsakh problem. The editor, Gevorg Yazedjyan, criticises Dugin�s views.

The Letters of General Andranik
Three letters of General Andranik to the writer Arshak Chobanyan during 1917-1923. Those letters being published for the first time.

New Publications
Bibliographical data and annotations of new publications, related to the Armenians, which are published in RA and Diaspora.

Souren Manoukyan: The Georgian Revolution.
The author, a historian, represents and analyzes some of the internal aspects of the Georgian �Roses�� Revolution of 2003 and the American role in this Revolution.

The Analysis of Turkey-EU Relations.
Different views of the possible integration of Turkey in the European Union are being discussed. It is concluded that Turkey will not be allowed to join the EU in the coming years.

The Big Groups of the Turkish Economy.
The Ihlas Holding is one of the giant groups of the Turkish economy.

The New Technologies and the National Values.
The new programs and website for Armenian children.

Lilya Avanessyan: The Analysis of Some Pictures Symbolizing the Male and Female Initials on Carpets and Kilims.
The author, a member of the Museum of History of Armenia analyzes on scientific basis, some aspects related to sexual symbols in the Armenian carpet and handcraft arts.

Souren Manoukyan: Armenian Chronology.
The main events of the Armenian life in Jan. and Feb. 2004.

Protest Letter to Mr. Tony Blair.
Ten European-Armenian organizations� joint letter to the Prime Minister of the UK, protesting the notorious declarations of the UK ambassador in RA about the Armenian GenocideÒåêóùàÿ ïîçèöèÿ


April 2004


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